Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas, Decorating!
Being up on the stepladder puts me at eye-level with the chandelier, which has upward-facing glass cups. And I see dead bugs in the glass cups. Eww. So I had the oh-so-clever idea of using the canned air to blow them out. It worked. It worked VERY well, unfortunately! Dead bugs and bug parts fountained feet into the air and rained down on me, my hair, the workbench/kitchen table, on the floor. I now get to sweep and vacuum, and I will be finding bug parts in my beads for AGES!!
I am convincing myself that the chandelier is brighter now, and that bug-parts-surprise was worth it. Because I have another chandelier like this one in the foyer, and I'm talking myself into tackling that one, too. Maybe tomorrow!
Friday, June 12, 2009
My Poor Baby!

Tonight, my sweetie and I took our miniature longhair dachshunds for a walk in a lovely wooded area. The mosquitoes were fierce, but we didn't think much of it at the time. Half an hour after we got home, I got a good look at Maureen's face. She looks like the losing prizefighter after 10 rounds! Apparently, she is fiercely allergic to mosquitoes! Swollen eye, fat lip, lumpy nose. So pathetic and heartbreaking. We called the vet and were told to give her Benadryl. We're waiting for the swelling to go down in the next hour, or it's a trip to the all-night vet! I feel like such a bad mommy.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Creative Collaboration

Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Wonderful Haven
Here is one of the joys of my creative life, and it's currently CLEAN! Crafters may be aware of the elusiveness of open workspace. As I am working on a project, the creative components pile higher and higher, and the available space shrinks and shrinks. Then another project that just can't wait joins the fray, then the mending, then a handful of brand new treasures I don't have time to put away, then....chaos ensues. At that point, I have to stop everything, and put everything back where it belongs. And start the process again.
I remodeled the workroom just less than two years ago. I finally decided that my space shouldn't be dark, dingy white with piles everywhere and no storage. I emptied it out, painted it bright colors, and organized it within an inch of its life. I have been buying/collecting inspirational art, and this weekend, I finally put it all up around the room. I love it!
Now to play!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Military Family Appreciation

I am creating a set of yellow ribbon charm pins and selling them in my Etsy site. I was a military wife; I'm still married, he's retired, now. Thing is, he was in the Army Guard. The support that is part of the active Army and military is not as much a part of the Guard. We all live spread out in the community, not on post. Most of us don't know one another. It is hard to find someone to ask for help. I remember what it's like to take care of the house and the family and the home fires while he was away.
I am donating 50% of the price of these pins to provide funds for spouses to hire lawn work or driveway shovelling or a handyman or babysitting, or whatever need is at hand. Please remember your local service members, wherever you are.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Keep Your Stick on the Ice

So I head out to the front deck and try to see what's going on. It turned out that the helicopter flying low over my suburban neighborhood is a firefighting helicopter. It was putting out a one-acre fire in the woods next to the soccer and softball fields two blocks over! Hmmm, a forest fire in the neighborhood? That does sound a bit Red Green-ish, doesn't it?
They dropped foam and water into the thickly wooded and brushy area the fire fighters couldn't reach. What is really interesting, is that the helicopter only came online for fire assistance in Anchorage yesterday. What timing!
Do not pour the entire bottle of lighter fluid (or gasoline!) on the grill.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Dearest Treasures

Peer Pressure is Dangerous!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Walking on Sunshine

but two days. My lawn turned to moss, and our
camping plans washed away.
This summer is making up for last year! It has been marvellously sunny and warm. The one day it rained, the clouds washed the roads and watered the lawns, and politely removed themselves by the end of the workday. I was reminded of the lyrics "In Camelot"!
I work near a beautiful walking park. Today I called my sweetie and met him for lunch. We walked hand in hand around the park and the pond and watched the Canada geese. One gentleman practiced his juggling, and another was flying a kite as large as my car, while dozens of local business people broke away from their desks and walked or ran the paths. It was a wonderful, simple time to reconnect. We made plans for other outings and picnics this summer. Next time, the dachshunds will get to come along!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Starting Somewhere

I always tend to feel I need to know more, learn more, get better about whatever task it is I am trying to accomplish. So I postpone, and hem and haw, trying to do anything BUT put my work on the line. I am challenging myself anyway.
Ta Da! Pictures of my jewelry, on display! I haven't mastered the camera; I think I need an engineering degree to just read the novel-sized manual! I don't know much about blogging or computers; I am definitely behind the electronic wave. But here it is. I am taking the baby steps, even if someone might see me fall.
(Okay, the sappiness is over!)
This blog is going to be full of jewelry and my goofy take of the world and its wonderful quirkiness and my enthusiasm for creativity in all its amazing forms. I hope you find creativity and kindness and joy in your daily life, too!