Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keep Your Stick on the Ice

With all due respect to Red Green, we've had an exciting day here at the lodge. I was playing on the computer when I heard sirens nearby. Ok, not too unusual, since we live next to a main artery used by fire and police responses in the area. Then I heard a low-flying helicopter. That is unusual. The combination, really unusual.

So I head out to the front deck and try to see what's going on. It turned out that the helicopter flying low over my suburban neighborhood is a firefighting helicopter. It was putting out a one-acre fire in the woods next to the soccer and softball fields two blocks over! Hmmm, a forest fire in the neighborhood? That does sound a bit Red Green-ish, doesn't it?

They dropped foam and water into the thickly wooded and brushy area the fire fighters couldn't reach. What is really interesting, is that the helicopter only came online for fire assistance in Anchorage yesterday. What timing!
With the conditions being so dry for the three day, start-of-summer weekend, I have a couple tips for all you lodge members for your barbeques:

Do not pour the entire bottle of lighter fluid (or gasoline!) on the grill.
Do not use the barbeque that has been repaired with duct tape.
Do not use the fire extinguisher for cooling the beer.
Do not overcook the burgers to the point you can't tell that you just put a smoldering charcoal on a bun.
Most importantly, please don't have your picnic within 2 miles of my house!
Remember, we're all in this together; I'm pulling for you!

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